Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Gender Specific Language

These are some words I found that are Gender Specific Language and here is how I changed them:

Fireman - Firefighter

Ironman - Ironest

Airman - Airest

Tourman - Tourer

Spiderman - Spiderhero

I chose 2 random words and 3 major ones. I changed some of them to words that dont even exist. Alot of people acuse words of being man and some women dont appreciate that. So we should be more careful for the things we say.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Culture And Communications

Today is Febuary 9th/09. This morning we learned about how hard it would be to check into a hotel from another country. It was hard because we didn't speak the language, so we had to find out a way to ask for six rooms with one bed each. We tried drawing pictures and doing hand gestures and face expressions. It did not turn out okay. But at least we tried right. I like this class because it's fun and I'm learning alot about Communicating.